Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Pregnancy Project Movie Review

"I'd rather be dead than pregnant. It's the same thing 'cause your life is over anyway." 

Gaby tired of hearing the stereotypes and things that people say about girls in her neighborhood getting pregnant in high school, she decides to do her senior project on something meaningful. As a student who has a lot of potential and plans to graduate high school she wants to do well on her senior project, so she goes a step further and does a social experiment on the repercussions of being pregnant in high school.

  "Only someone incredibly stupid would let themselves get pregnant." 

With the help of her friend Claire (Sarah Smyth), her principal, a teacher, her mother and her boyfriend, they put out the rumor that she is pregnant. Both Jorge's family, Gaby's family and friends have no idea that she is not really pregnant except those involved inside the project.

As the movie continues, Gaby finds herself hearing more about her new pregnant life, all of which she is putting into journals for her project. During her project, Gaby gets closer to a classmate who is also pregnant, Tyra (Laci J Mailey), who has no clue that Gaby's faking her pregnancy.

"What a waste of a life. That girl has such a good head on her shoulders. What was she thinking?"

Even Claire at one point makes a reference to how Tyra and other teen mothers need to watch Teen Mom to learn what they have ahead of themselves as teen moms. Babies aren't simply just roses and sunshine, they're hard work. 

Without giving too much away, I suggest that you view the movie for yourself and see what happens in the end. 

The O'Malley Review's Thoughts on The Pregnancy Project 
After I watched the movie "The Pregnancy Project" via +Netflix and I found myself back in high school looking at all the stereotypes that one of my own pregnant classmates had to go through. I won't name her name, but many of the things that were said in this movie, were also said about this young high school student I knew. 

I can't imagine what else she went through from her family and close friends. I imagine it would have been hard, and maybe quite similar to the things that were portrayed in this drama based on real life film adapted by Lifetime. 

Now, I do want to add the book to my collection of things to read. I'm thinking the book may be even more moving and powerful than the movie itself. I feel that it will go into things I felt were missing from the movie. For instance, how did Jorge really feel about lying to his family. Was he really so easily convinced it was the right thing to do? Were their family and friends really that clueless that she wasn't pregnant?

Over all though I was pleased with The Pregnancy Project and I highly recommend it to those who are movie lovers like myself. It's a great film and I really enjoyed it. 

Interested in reading the memoir first? Check it out on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads.

How would you feel about Gaby lying about her pregnancy? 


  1. I was looking through Netflix and saw this one. I didn't watch it, but now I am intrigued!

    1. It was a really good one. I know a lot of the time Lifetime has some movies that are quite hit or miss but this one was definitely a hit! When you watch it, please come back and let me know what you thought.

  2. I strongly feel that girls should wait to get pregnant and experience life before becoming a mom, but no one has the right to tell a girl when she can or can not get pregnant.

  3. I have not seen the movie - I too have Netflix - I will check it out.

  4. I haven't heard of this movie! I have Netflix and watch movies and shows often...I'll have to look for this one because I'm now intrigued!

  5. This movie will be serving double duty at my house. First, it will make a nice flick for movie night. Second, I will use it as a cautionary tale for my son's benefit.

  6. Ok NOW I am going to go look at the movie. I remember when it aired on Lifetime. I refused to even take a quick peek at it. I recall one of my closest friends growing up going through this. I was telling her that I finally got my period and she was telling me that she was pregnant.

  7. I haven't seen this yet, but will check it out on Netflix soon. Sounds very interesting!

  8. Sounds like an interesting movie but I'd like to read the book first. Being pregnant in high school would be tough. That's the age when you think you know everything and are eager to be an adult but really have no idea since you aren't an adult yet.

  9. This sounds like a great movie. People always think that having a baby is all coochie coos. Nope. It's crying, screaming, spitting up, diaper changing, and constant monitoring. It's worth it, but it's not ideal to start out when you're a teen!

  10. I've never heard of this movie before. It seems like something very interesting and I'll have to check it out

  11. It does sound like a movie I'd enjoy - Lifetime usually has neat little movies that I really like - thank you for the share - I know mistakes happen, rather we are smart or not -

    1. We are all human. Things happen. Right? We live, learn and continue forward.

  12. This is on my list of must see movies on Netflix. I think it would be hard to know what to say about Gaby lying unless in her shoes.

  13. I haven't seen this on Netflix, but now I want to look it up. I wish people didn't worry so much about how other live their lives. Hopefully a project like this will bring to light that we need to accept and support people, not judge them!

  14. Never heard of it.. is it also on demand? we do not have netflix.. sounds like an interesting movie.

    1. I found it here on demand through Amazon. I'm not sure if that's quite what you meant, but I hope it helped. :)

  15. This is my first time hearing of it. It does sound like it's an interesting movie to watch.

  16. I love movies like this one. I will definitely be watching it!

  17. I saw this movie. II thought it was quite thought provoking and showed the stress.

  18. I can't imagine what those girls were going through in high school. So many emotions!

  19. I saw this a while ago. I got pregnant while still in high school. I was 17 and nothing changed for me, it wasn't glorified or frowned upon. I think it's different in a lot of places but this movie really gets you thinking and talking.

  20. Speaking as someone who was in this situation, it can definitely be rough. But I also think it's because teenage girls are probably some of the nastiest/meanest creatures I've ever come across.

  21. I am actually surprised that the school allowed her to go ahead with this project. I do not want to see the movie but I would like to read the book.

  22. My sister was pregnant at 17 and people were cruel. I would love to see this movie now - going to see if I can find it!

  23. I think I have actually seen this movie before. I think it's a great thing that she's doing. Some people can be really mean!

  24. I didn't know this film was on Netflix. It sounds really interesting and I'd be curious to see how it approaches the topic of teen pregnancy.

  25. I've actually read articles about this story. It's pretty eye opening.

  26. I remember hearing about this a while back. I need to watch the documentary!

  27. This sounds really interesting. I would definitely like to read the book...and probably watch the movie, too.

  28. This movie is really intriguing me. Maybe I should include it in my weekend list.

  29. I heard about this one a while back and thought it sounded interesting. Thanks for letting me know it's not on Netflix. I am going to watch it soon!

  30. What a unique look at pregnancy for young mothers. I went to an all-girl high school so gossip spread like wildfire. When girls got pregnant, it sparked a ton of discussion.

  31. I'm really keen on watching this. I haven't check netflix in a while but I'm going to search for this especially since I'm pregnant. :) I'm a young mom of 1 and pregnant with my second and I love it!

  32. I had not heard of this before but will check it out.

  33. I actually just watched this on Netflix and loved it! Definitely a great movie

  34. I would not say your life is over if you get pregnant early in life, but it is much harder. I stressed that to all my daughters. Women really should get their lives together before having children. It makes their lives much easier.

  35. I don't think people should lie about pregnancy but I know it's just a movie. We have Netflix, I will have to looks this up and watch it.

  36. This seems really interesting- adding the movie to my queue!

  37. I remember seeing this in the news but had no idea they made a film!

  38. I hadn't heard of this. But it sounds interesting.

  39. This is a tricky subject, I have not heard of this movie, my kids are older so I don't have to worry about this experience with them.

  40. Never heard of this. If only we have Netflix, I will surely watch this. It sounds like a good movie. I'll check for it on cable.

  41. I haven't heard of the movie, but it has me intrigued. I have to look for it

  42. I saw this was available on Netflix, I remember when the made-for-tv movie came out and all the backlash from the girls who did this. We had a few girls get pregnant while I was still in high school. Awful things were said about most of them - except for the popular cheerleader. It was a really weird thing to watch.

  43. Never heard of this movie before!!! I have Netflix though so i will definitely check it out

  44. This sounds like a good movie but it's the first time I heard it. I hope the DVD is available in the store here.

  45. This would be a great project to do. The only thing i do not like is that the family members that do not know it is fake will be getting attached to the idea of a baby coming.

  46. I will for sure check this out. I have never heard of it. Thanks for sharing.

  47. Wow, sounds very moving. People show their true colors in times of crisis.

  48. I have seen this movie and thought it was truly awesome. They really did bring out what does happen in true life. I haven't read the book but will have to read it now. Thanks for sharing.

  49. I actually just watched this over the weekend on Netflix. Also as someone who was pregnant their senior year of high school, i never really paid attention to what people said to or about me, never really thought of it. But then again I had a gpa of 3.0 and graduated, so there's that.

  50. That is quite the moral issue isn't it? Do you lie to find the truth but the lie is so impactful that you risk alienating your family and friends. I'll have to check this out with my teen daughters I think.

  51. Sounds interesting. I'm curious to know how it ends. I couldn't imagine telling a lie like that to my family when I was a teen. It would take an enormous toll on all involved. Then to find out it was a lie... wow.

  52. I've seen this on Netflix but never gave it a second glance. It seems to cover a pretty heavy issue. I'll give it a watch!

  53. I had a few friends get pregnant in high school and everyone for the most part was supportive. I think it might have been because one happened to be pregnant with the principals son. Ha! I will have to check this out, never heard of it.

  54. It's quite a heavy subject for a high school project. It sounds as though it showed others and the individual that life does not end just because you're pregnant. Opportunities continue.
