Friday, November 15, 2019

How to Make Holiday Season Great on a Budget

Holidays are filled with fun, laughter and plenty of festivities that can feel overwhelming with the economic times as they are. Many families are having to live off a budget and need to save as much money as they can. This might make it seem as if families will not be able to have the glimmering looks of Christmas, as well as the comfort of having wonderful food and many presents under the tree.

Below is a list of easy money saving tips for holidays that will help the entire family enjoy Christmas this year, and for the many years to come while on a budget.

Exchange gifts.  This will keep the budget from being overspent and it will keep everyone still getting something on Christmas day. If there is something a child wants that might cost $50 or more, try purchasing smaller gifts instead. These gifts can be things such as gift cards, books, or even a new addition to a toy someone wants.

Reuse, recycle, or create DIY decorations.  Rather than purchasing brand new Christmas decorations, consider bringing out old decorations to reuse or up-cycle. In order to keep the Christmas budget low, reuse those decorations from last year, or years before, that have been hiding away in the attic.

If there are artsy, creative types in the family consider some DIY decorations. There are many examples of what could be done with ease online, including an entire Pinterest page dedicated to the Christmas decorating season.

Say "yes" to invites.  Often during the holiday season there will be invites to Christmas parties, dinners or even drinks with friends. Rather than saying no, say yes this season. This will give the entire family a way to celebrate the holidays while saving money.

As a way to save more money consider hosting a holiday potluck for friends and family. This might even help other families save money and be around all the people they love too. All that needs to be done is send out friendly holiday invitations.

Stop overspending on baking.  Often during the holidays people will bake enormous amounts of goodies, spending much-needed money on ingredients such as cream cheese, graham crackers, and all the other things needed for various cookie recipes, cake and pie recipes. This can be changed this year by avoiding all the extra ingredients and buying some simple store bought items.

Perhaps consider purchasing a black forest cake, or an already baked apple pie from the store rather than spending all day shopping just to come home and bake everything from scratch. Tollhouse cookies are very tasty and taste much similar to home made.

If you would like to make most of the items from "scratch" consider buying already made mix, and making your own frosting and decorations. This way the children can decorate their own cookies, or you can have some plain and some frosted. Without taking as much time in the kitchen, there will be more time to spend with the family.

Skype and Email.  If the family is on a budget or someone can't make it, get on Skype or send an email. This will give the family a way to get together on the holidays without having to spend the money on traveling. This is a simple fix to the problem if the entire family can't be there during the holidays.

Emails, Skype, or even e-cards are a fantastic way to keep the entire family together during the holidays without costing a lot. Christmas greetings via email are Eco-friendly and a great way to give some holiday affections.

Over all, saving money this holiday season does not have to be a troublesome affair. Using the provided tips above consider small things that can help save money, but still give a fun and festive holiday season that everyone can feel joy,  love of family and friends and the spirit of the season.


  1. We quit buying for the entire family (extended) like we used to because it became to expensive. We started only buying for the kids, but each family would draw a kids' name and they'd get one gift. Saved us SO much money and the kids still had the joy of opening a present at the family Christmas get-together. :)

  2. We've definitely scaled back on gift-giving in recent years. It's hard to shop for so many extended family members on a tight budget!

  3. What fantastic tips they can all help save money. I love the idea of doing e-cards.

  4. I love doing the Secret Santa for adults of the family. Makes it so much less stressful w feeling like you have to buy everyone a present.

  5. We also do the Secret Santa in our family. It does help a lot as you are only responsibly for one present. We do however put some thought and maybe a little extra money into that one present and this makes it special for the person. They get what they really want and not just a thought.

  6. Can you believe the holiday season is almost here? Thanks for these great tips.

  7. I agree, I do no think holidays need to be about spending massive amounts of money. Being creative with what you have is less expensive, and more importantly, more thoughtful!

  8. We do secret santa in my husband's family. It means we now buy one gift instead of 10 gifts. Much better!

  9. We love upcycle crafts around the holidays. Homemade is so much better!

  10. I love this post. The holidays are such a great time of year, but it can get really pricey. These are great tips on keeping the costs down.

  11. It's hard to think that the holiday season will be here in not that long. I guess it will be time to start planning soon.

  12. These are all really great tips. We have a large family and I love exchanging gifts at a reasonable price. Also, my mom bakes during the holidays and spends WAY too much! I tell her every year to tone it down but she doesn't.

  13. Skype is definitively a must I have most of my family our of the country and my first x-mas here I spent over $100 on international calls now I use only skype and spent maybe 20 to speak with family and friends on xmas and new years ever

  14. I really want to just do a homemade gift exchange. Now that I have a toddler, it seems silly to gift lots of big gifts for adults!

  15. These are great tips. I love getting crafty around the holidays.

  16. I always talk to my family via Skype as it is a great way to stay in touch yet save money. Great tips!

  17. Absolutely loved this article! I love celebrating the season year-round, even though it's more fun to bake and make special goodies in late November and December. Toll House cookies are delicious, but now Snickerdoodles are screaming to be made and shared with friends and family.

  18. I thought this is where I saw the comment about using, recycling and creating DIY ornaments. This is a gloomy, cold wintertime and I am going to go all out with the ornaments I've tucked away. Precious ones inside to be safe; others outside to delight the neighborhood. Merry Christmas!


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